wireless passive infra red detector 869mhz high quality part no:67005/45
What is the PIR?
The PIR detector provides superior motion
detection and reliable long-term operation
whilst minimising false calls.The lightweight
PIR can be wall mounted without the need
for screw fixings or drilling and offers simple
Plug & Play registration, together with the
flexibility to allow for free movement of pets
around a property, to prevent false alarm
calls. The wireless PIR can be used to provide
the following:
Intruder alarm monitoring - The PIR can be
used to detect intruders, creating an ideal
monitored intruder alarm solution when
used in conjunction with Lifeline home units
or Tunstall telecare enabled systems. When
an intruder is detected, an alarm call is made
to the monitoring centre (silently if required),
so that the situation can be clarified and a
key holder or the emergency services
summoned immediately, if necessary.
Inactivity monitoring - The PIR can also be
used to detect inactivity so that if movement
has not been detected within a home over a
predetermined time period, an alarm will be
raised to the monitoring centre.
Combination monitoring - The PIR can be
used to provide both intruder and inactivity
monitoring simultaneously thereby reducing
costs, while significantly increasing levels of
safety and security for the user.
How does it work?
Using Plug & Play technology, the PIR can be
registered to Lifeline Home Units or other
Tunstall telecare enabled systems by simply
activating it. Once movement is detected, the
PIR will generate an alarm call to either a
personal recipient or 24 hour monitoring
centre, where the type of alarm raised can be
identified and the most appropriate course of
action taken.
Why is it needed?
Intruder detection - A study by the Home
Office stated that elderly victims of burglary
decline in health faster than non-victims of a
similar age and the impact of burglary is
typically greater. Two years after a burglary,
victims are 2.4 times more likely to have died
or be in residential care than their nonburgled
Inactivity monitoring - Falls are the principal
cause of injury leading to hospital admission
and death among the over-65s in the UK. It is
estimated that one in three people aged 65
and over experience a fall at least once a year,
rising to one in two among those over 80
years old. Inactivity monitoring can provide
an essential element of a falls detection
solution in order to minimise the effect of a
fall on a victim by reducing the delay in
providing medical treatment.
Who is it for?
The PIR helps to provide security for any
home or commercial premises, 24 hours a
day, whilst also providing the reassurance of
personal inactivity monitoring